Tuesday, August 30, 2016


ISA Professional Victorya Flat Iron Hair Straightene #ISAprofessional


here you my hair straightened by the ISA hair iron i was having issues with my phone at the time but they are fixed now to which is why i added the picture for the rest of my review I have to say I'm very impressed now this hair Straightener  by ISA  it worked faster than a 200 dollar competitor  which is a great thing my hair will be less damaged y the heat it would normally take with the other iron and great new's for anyone wanting to buy this iron which i have added the link for you within this post,if you have any question's please send them my way i would be happy to answer any of them thanks for tuning in to mu blog.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Riwbox WT-07 Folding Wireless Bluetooth Stereo Headphones Adjustable Headsets with 3 LED lights #BluetoothHeadset



Hello welcome to my product review blog i will be posting updates on all the new product's i get through amazon and show you pictures and videos of everything with my honest opinion and link's to each product if you are interested in anything you will be able to click each link to buy said product .